What Percentile Does a 3.6 GPA Represent in College?

GPA, or grade point average, is a simplified number used by colleges and universities to get an idea of their overall academic performance. It takes the average of all high school grades and adjusts them on a scale of 0.01 to 4.0, with the numbers correlating to letter grades. A GPA of 3.6 is equivalent to an A- average, which is indicative of good grades in all subjects. Most schools estimate GPA on a scale of 0.0-4.0.Each letter grade (or percentage grade, depending on the school) is assigned a numerical equivalent.

The average of these equivalencies becomes your cumulative GPA. The table below shows how grades with letters and percentages correspond to a 4.0 GPA scale. A good college GPA can also be defined more broadly in terms of honors designations. Typically, students graduate cum laude (Latin for 'with praise') when they score a 3.5-3.7 average, magna cum laude ('with high praise') when they score a 3.7-3.9 average, and summa cum laude ('with the highest praise') when they score a 3.9 or higher average. The GPA is important, but only to the extent determined by an admissions committee. Earning 4.0 in high school would likely secure admission to most state colleges, but for the Ivy League and other highly selective schools, a perfect GPA represents the minimum requirement that most applicants must meet to justify their consideration. It's important to note that the national average of 3.0 represents all students, not just those applying to college; so the average for students admitted to universities is higher than the national average.

For example, a recent art history graduate applying for a museum curator position might choose to disclose their GPA if it is particularly high (3.6 or higher).We have analyzed student profiles at more than 1500 universities in the United States and found that the grade point average of incoming students is typically higher than 3.6.Your GPA combined with high test scores will allow you to find many college options that fit the experience you are looking for. Not only is a GPA of 3.6 well above the national average of 3.0 for all high school graduates, but it is also entering the realm of competitiveness for more select universities. You may be wondering what percentile a GPA of 3.6 represents and which universities will consider it for admission? If so, you've come to the right place.

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